We had a guest preacher in our church a couple of Sundays ago for a one day revival. His name is Dr. Claude Thomas. If he was there for no one else, he was there for me. The morning sermon was about putting the Best thing first. Sometimes we let good things get in the way of the Best thing. It’s easy to get wrapped up in raising kids, trying to be a good wife, directing VBS, coordinating the Fall Fest, leading the preschool team at church. All of those are good things but they are not the BEST thing. For someone who can get wrapped up in doing “good” things, it was a great reminder that nothing is more important than spending time with Jesus. The following is the sermon outline…I hope it blesses you as much as it blessed me.
1. Serenity in life comes from intimacy with Jesus.
2. Service for Jesus must flow out of intimacy with Jesus.
I. Beware of putting good things over the First thing:
We pay when we put “good” things over the First thing:
We pay in: a. Attitudes
b. Relationships
c. Frustrations
*Beware of the tyranny of the urgent!
*Beware of the demands of the many!
II. Put the BEST thing as the first thing in life.
~The first thing in life is being close to Jesus.
We get close to Jesus by:
a. Being with Him
b. Becoming like Him
Thinking like Him
Acting like Him
Loving like Him
Giving like Him
Forgiving like Him
Living like Him
c. Giving worship to Him
We all have so much to do, I hope we can stop and remember to keep the best thing first. That would be Jesus.