Thursday, October 9, 2008

Confused or Innocent

My husband cringes when I pull this picture out. This is what happens when you are two years old, have a big sister and haven't had the chance yet to acquire many "boy" toys. I bought this little princess dress at a yard sale to go in the dress up box. My son soon claimed it as his. When his sister would dress up and if she had friends over and they would put on the princess dresses, he would grab this one and come running to me. "Mommy, I princess" Then he would top it off with the cowboy hat he is holding in his hand.
My hubby found no humor in it...I on the other hand saw the innocence in it and laughed.

By the way, for little man's birthday, the hubby instructed his side of the family to buy all "boy" dress up stuff for him. But see who wound up wearing it....big sister.

Now go show Kristen some love over at We are THAT family.


  1. I know so many families with similar photos, and all the boys grew up normal and manly.

  2. I have two sons and two photos of them in high heels. They're 11 and 8 now and seem to be normal! I plan to use the pics as blackmail when they're dating. :)

  3. Aww! Your sweeties are adorable. Your cute little son. Just looks up to his sister and wants to play with her too. I imagine that will be my son too.

  4. I imagine that you will discover that picture to be "missing" when he's a teenager!

  5. LOL so cute!!! My 2 year old get's dressed up by his big sisters quite frequently, to the dismay of my husband. It's all good!

  6. Bah ha ha ha..... he should have known this was going to happen!

  7. This is going to happen when you have boys and girls! Lil Logan used to try to wear glitter lip gloss. Not for the glitter, but because it smelled good. Big Logan was not amused. :)

  8. One year, one of my preschool students would go to the dramatic play area nearly every day, grab a t-shirt and put it on his head like a hat/scarf so that he could have "long girl hair."

    Another year, one of my students was strongly attached to his lovey - not a stuffed animal, not a blankie, but one of his momma's (former) bras. He called it his "silky."

    All this to say... it could be worse. LOL.


Thanks for taking the time to show me some love!