Monday, August 31, 2009

Menu Plan Monday 8/31 - 9/4

With homeschooling and all that entails we are trying to be very purposeful with eating meals at home. If I don't have a plan then we don't do very well.

Here's what our Menu looks like for the week.

Tuesday: Chili (made by handsome hubby and oh so yummy!!!)

Wednesday: Roast with potatoes, carrots and onions. I make this in the crockpot. I throw it all in in the morning and it's ready at dinner time. We usually do something in the crockpot on Wednesday's because of church.

Thursday: Smothered Chicken with brown rice with green beans and spinach

Friday: Velveeta Tex Mex beef and potatoes I chose this so that I can use the other 1/2 lb of my velveeta that I will be using in my recipe on Monday.

Three out of five of my recipes this week come from a free magazine that I get. I will be telling you about it on Wednesday in my What Works for Me post. So come back and see me on Wednesday and learn we I get all these yummy recipes from!

Until then head over to the Organizing Junkie and check out what everyone else is eating this week. I know I found a few new recipes that you will probably be seeing on my menu in the upcoming weeks!

Have a blessed week!


  1. I love using the crockpot for roasts. It's so easy and saves so much hassle in the afternoons!

  2. Saw that you were new and thought I would come check you out!! I am also a work from home school from home mom of four. Good luck with school and staying on track with meals this week!


Thanks for taking the time to show me some love!