Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WFMW - Target Dollar Spot

Since we are homeschooling now I am always on the look out for good teacher aids. I happened upon this goldmine at the Target Dollar spot a couple of weeks ago.

These are all kinds of flashcards, from your basic mathematics flashcards to USA Landmark flashcards. There were phonic, science, and animal flashcards. Also at the top of the picture next to the clock is a alphabet bingo game and a math bingo game. There was so much more stuff that I didn't purchase.

I have decided the two shelves I cleared out on my bookcase are not going to be enough room for homeschool goodies. I know all of you veteran home schooler's are chuckling at me. But, that's ok...I'm learning!

Target Dollar Spot works for me! Now go check out what works for everyone else at We are THAT family!


  1. I LOVE the Target Dollar Spot! I might have a small addiction. =)

  2. It is amazing the great stuff you can find in there for a dollar!

  3. first of all, I LOVE your blog layout and Title header. :) And I'm a fan of the Target dollar spot too!

  4. what great finds! i love the dollar spot and so does my 2 year old!

  5. I love the dollar spot. Such neat things can be found there!

  6. I quit going to Target a couple of years ago because I just bought way too much I'm going back just so I can raid the Dollar Spot! LOVE IT!! I get SO much stuff there too and our HSing adventure is just beginning! ;P

  7. What a great idea! As if I needed another reason to go to Target! :)


Thanks for taking the time to show me some love!